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Meet The Governors

Governing Body

The school’s Governing Body was reconstituted in January 2015.

At Present The Members Are:

  • Chair of Governors Mrs S Jackson
  • Co-Vice Chairs (interim) Mrs C Johnson and Mr B Beer
Mr Tony Pring Headteacher Governor (1 - ex-officio)
Mrs Sarah O'Brien Staff Governor 
Mrs Sue Jackson; Mrs Becky McIntosh, Sophie Alder; Mr Mike Harrison Foundation Governors (4 - appointed by the Canterbury Diocesan Board of Education)

Mr Jonathan Lewis, Mrs Zara Lang, Mr Ben Beer, Mrs Lisa Laws, Mrs Carly Johnson

Parent Governors (up to 5 - elected by parents of pupils at the school)

Mr Richard Turnill, Mrs E Pateman (Deputy Head), Mrs Liz Richardson, Mrs Margaret Skew

Co-opted Governors (up to 5 – appointed by the Governing Body)
Mr Frank Lawrence Local Authority Governor (appointed by Kent County Council)
Mrs Rose Davies Clerk to the Governors, who can be contacted via the school 


Resources Headteacher Appraisal School Quality Of Education
Chair: Mr J Lewis Mrs S Jackson Chair: Mr B Beer
Mr T Pring     Mrs E Pateman  Mr B Beer Mr T Pring     Mrs E Pateman
Mrs S Jackson     Mr M Harrison Mrs L Richardson  Mrs S Alder     Mr M Harrison
Mr R Turnill    Mrs M Skew     Mrs S O'Brien
Mrs C Johnson   Mrs S Jackson     Mrs Z Lang    
Mrs L Laws   Mrs L Laws    Mrs B McIntosh

Governing Body

Governors aim to be visible: you may see us at daily collective worship (assemblies), parents' evenings, special curriculum days, and other school events. If you want to know more about what we do, or are interested in becoming a governor, please come and speak to us, or contact us via the school office.

Governors serve for a term not exceeding four years, but some have been re-appointed and have served for much longer. Governors come from various professional or career backgrounds and many of us have long-standing links with the school, local churches and the parishes of Thurnham and Bearsted. Being a governor is demanding, but our commitment brings its rewards in the achievements of the school, staff and pupils, since everything we do has a focus on the welfare and progress of the children.

We work within national policies and standards and are briefed regularly or attend training on changes introduced by the Government and by Kent County Council.  We are always looking to find new ways to work with our Headteacher, staff, the Diocese and the local community to develop the school further and make best use of the resources we have. Above all, we are committed to Thurnham Church of England Infant School and its pupils, so that their energy, enthusiasm and imagination can be used to give them the best possible start in their school careers. Our reward is to see them happy and successful and we strongly believe in working as partners with staff and parents.

We also work closely with 'Friends of Thurnham', the hard-working parents’ association which has raised tens of thousands of pounds of additional income, all for pupils’ benefit, in recent years.

The governing board usually meets three times during the school year to make the key decisions which affect the school; the main business committees are Resources (financial management, buildings, health and safety) and Quality of Education (curriculum and academic standards). Governors have individual school development responsibilities and work with the Senior Leadership Team to ensure priorities within the School Development Plan are met and resourced adequately.

Click here for our governors' Declarations of Interests.